Seltmann Weiden is a family business founded in 1910 and is engaged in the production of high-quality porcelain products. Currently, the company combines 6 porcelain factories.
Investing in the production and technology development, Seltmann Weiden is described as the highest quality porcelain. This porcelain contains the best properties - it is high-quality, heat-retaining, and durable, its porcelain mass is made of kaolin (50%), quartz (25%), feldspar (25%). Kaolin contains alumina, that is a very important element in giving porcelain the necessary hardness. One of the characteristics of porcelain is hardness and gradation, according to the Mohs scale, that determines the hardness and gradation of products, where 0 is the weakest material and 10 is thehardest material, Seltmann porcelain has 8.2. Porcelain is fired using environmentally friendly natural gas. The high temperature gives the products unmatched strength and durability.
Seltmann Weiden products can be used in air convention ovens, safe for use in microwaves and ovens, as well as for dishwashers - the only exceptions are plates with decors containing gold or platinum.
Item code: | DE21001737147 |
Brand: | Seltmann Weiden |
In set: |
Cup with saucer |
Material: |
Porcelain |
Number of items: |
6 |
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