Imperial Pottery Co. Ltd. (Leela Baralee) was founded in 2001 with a commitment to produce the highest quality cutlery for the international market. Leela Baralee creates the finest relief, that reflects a sense of harmony and warmth in the catering industry. Through research and development, it has created a glaze formula based solely on raw materials, without the use of any synthetic substances. The clay used is obtained in one of the best clay mining sites in the world. With long-term knowledge of ceramics, it has created a unique clay and glaze formula that highlights the natural white color and durability of cutlery. Leela Baralee uses the latest technology to produce high-quality, yet affordable products with an attractive design and makes a suitable environment for a perfect enjoyment.
Item code: | TH04095806AG001 |
Brand: | Leela Baralee |
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