The company of the German brand KESPER - F. ANTONS KESPER, was founded in 1902 and is located next to the well-known ski and world cup venue Willingen near Sauerland.
Kesper adds a special importance to natural wood materials. The company's wide range includes household items from various materials - wood, bamboo, plastic, slate, glass, melamine, wicker from plastic and wicker, as well as a steadily growing selection of small furniture. The company's wide range occupies more than 20,000 pallet parking spaces and thus ensures high security of supply for each partner.
Conserving resources and using resources in a gentle way is KESPER's business philosophy. All Collection Holz products come exclusively from controlled European forestry (FSC ® - certified wood), from Asian rubber plantations or from sustainably managed forests. Forest management is based on the strict environmental requirements of the Forest Monitoring Council and also takes into account high social and economic standards.
FSC ® is an international non-profit organization in which environmental associations, social organizations, advanced forestry operations and wood processing companies work together to improve forest management and the environment worldwide.
Item code: | DE7677507 |
Brand: | Kesper |
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