MPL company was founded in 2003. The company sells its products to wholesale traders in Europe and the world, engaged in import and export. Mainly dealing in kitchen equipment, garden furniture, kitchen utensils and dishes.
The company aims at satisfied customers.
""We do everything we can to make our customers happy with our products, focusing on price and quality. We believe that everyone can find the products they like in our wide range of products. We also deal with special orders in cooperation with the offers of large manufacturers and cooperation partners.”
MPL also has its own online store ""Give the Gift"": - The passion for decorative products and various types of small household appliances encourages to share with the widest possible audience by creating an online store. The range of products is so wide that it will satisfy customers of all ages. If you have no idea about a gift, you will definitely find something that will not be an ordinary and boring gift, but a gift with an idea.
Item code: | PL416071848 |
Brand: | MPL Consulting |
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